Founded by Ms. Anina Net, an internationally famous model, 360Fashion Network provides branding and offline promotion solutions via the application of technologies such as 3D printing to fashion. The company uses UP 3D printers for both end-product creation and rapid prototyping to develop jewelry, buttons, zippers, accessories, charms and name tags customized to deliver a specific message.
Ms. Net’s organization in conjunction with Pekka Salokannel, A Finnish designer, operated the “3D Printing and Fashion Exposition” at the 22nd China International Fashion Fair, which focused on establishing new possibilities in the fashion sector by using 3D printing.
Salokannel drew significant attention from attendees and exhibitors by printing accessories and jewelry on an UP Plus 2. “I have always been dedicated to the design of wearable creative products. UP printers are some of the most trustworthy machines in the industry and an invaluable tool in my creative process. I use them to produce things like eyeglasses and jewelry, and I love their reliability.”
The company produced another exhibition titled, “When Fashion Encounters Technology,” at 2014 Beijing International Design Week. On display was the latest 3D printed work from Salokannel, a lampshade printed in ABS. Ms. Net commented, “This material is not necessarily the easiest to print. ABS commonly exhibits warping and other defects when printing larger objects on lesser equipment. Using the UP BOX, it looks fabulous. It has a beautiful texture, pearlescent luster, and character. This printer is the charm of 3D printing. Its professional results impress customers, and the technology allows styling not possible by traditional means.”
Of the lampshade, Salokannel said, “3D printing is very suitable for small-scale and personalized production, so it is perfect for competitive minority markets requiring a distinctive style. It is difficult to predict the potential scope of its applications in the future, but its impact on the creative design industry is undeniable.”
Ms. Net emphasized the impact of 3D printing in the fashion industry. The technology not only enhances the design-test-revise process, but it offers true “print-on-demand,” allowing the designer to better control supply time, experiment with style and achieve personalized service.
“The UP BOX provides a huge shaping space, which is very important for designers hoping to print something like a lampshade. Tiertime’s dedication to the continued advancement of this technology is enabling professionals to offer services previously unavailable in this price range and broadening the breadth of market opportunities.”